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Subject: Hmmm... ( 1 of 10 )
Posted by Slartibartfast

I have a few questions to ask everyone pertaining to the hhgttg movie. I asked a few questions, but I think either:
a) douglas deemed me worthy of no answer...
b) he didn't like my handle (DocStupid)
c) he just skipped over it or doesn't bloody well have an answer.
But, no matter... I'd like to know if anyone has the information or the answers to these questions...

1) Where is the movie being shot?
2) Who does Douglas think would be good for some of the roles?
3) Will there be any casting calls for parts? if so, where?
4) Does Douglas liked to be addressed as 'Douglas', 'Mr. Adams', 'Mr. Douglas Adams', 'Doug', or 'Sally'?

That's about the size of it. Any answers would be teriffic.

DocStupid, aka Slartibartfast, aka Ryan

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