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Subject: Re: Wondering about nationality ( 42 of 63 )
Posted by melbourne mark

My reference to my religion (Welsh Galvanised Mountain Baptistry - Militant Division) in item 20 of this thread has provoked some enquiries.
It is certainly a western, strongly denominational church and if you don't send at least fifty per cent of all your wordly goods to 'Salvation" P.O. Box 666 Lilydale. Victoria 3140 Australia by Wednesday week you will most assuredly baste in Hell for eternity.
We plan to build a temple to the glory of God built entirely of Australian Gold (which nobody else seems to want), Australian wool (ditto) and share certificates of dot com companies (!).
This environmentally sound and divine project will also be a major employer, we intend interviewing for vestal virgins next week (video tapes to the above address).
Isn't interesting how this subject can still provoke the largest thread response for quite some time?
May your respective gods go with you
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