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Subject: Re: Fore! (Good shot, mr Adams!) ( 3 of 13 )
Posted by Dr.Smooth

Golf, I never really saw the point of a game that invovled me hitting a tiny ball into a hole 300 yards away. If it is really important to you that the ball go in the hole then why dont you get in you perfectly good golf cart and drive over to the hole and put it in. I see no point in it. And as another not of criticism; Do you ever here about golfers getting drunk and being thrown in jail on the 6 oclck news like you do with football and baseball plays, then why do all of the major beer makers advertise millions to people that dont drink it in the first place. Furthermore, beer is not allowed on most of the fields unlike in a baseball game where the beer is dispenced in gallons by a guy aptly named "Hey Beer Guy". OK, im sure that i have reached my limit for todays spelling and grammar mistakes so im off. bye.


P.s. Mr.Adams, have you ever play chess? Just wondering!
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