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Subject: Re: Casting Aspersions ( 55 of 59 )
Posted by Laura Shadbolt

I agree with Hugh Laurie as Arthur, there isn't much choice to be honest - even if it does mean he'll have to work with talking mice again! I would suggest Minnie Driver as Trillian, as I think she has just the right balance in appearance that Trillian needs, being an astrophysicist and later a newsreader (not that they'll necessarily get that far in the films).

But John Cleese as Slartibartfast? He's just not old enough! Ford and Zaphod could quite plausibly be American, since they're aliens anyway and none of us know what Betelgeusians' voices *really* sound like. I don't have any casting suggestions for them, but I think Ford should have bright orange hair and look as much as possible like the Ford in the cartoon strip version, and Zaphod should have short dark hair, kind of like he does in the Illustrated Guide.

I think keeping Stephen Moore on as Marvin is a brilliant idea.

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