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Subject: Starship Titanic stuff ( 1 of 5 )
Posted by THE

Mr. Adams,
Having played Starship Titanic for quite a long time, I am forced to ask who did most of the scripting for the parrot? There are some parts which sound very much like you, and some parts that sound a lot like Terry Jones wrote them. Did he help with that?

Also, did you have to take something to do the voice of the Succ-u-bus? It sounded like you lost a lung doing all of that.
(as a side note, have you ever thought of doing a sound scheme of nothing but some of the more impressive noises you did as the succ-u-bus?)

Finally, I noticed in the credits that the voice of the bomb was done by Kim Bread, but three other people besides myself thought that it was John Cleese. Was this intentional, or is that just how it came out?



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