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Subject: Re: But who could possibly play Dirk? ( 13 of 14 )
Posted by Ste Cork

Actually, someone has played Dirk already, in a sense. There was an episode of the UK TV arts-programme called "The South Bank Show" which featured DNA one episode. The show interviewed him, and had bits of H2G2 references scattered about such as Simon Jones and (from memory, though I could be wrong) David Dixon, the TV-version of Ford Prefect, both of whom were popping up on DNA's Mac screen in little video clips kind of as though they were looking out into hir/our world. Like I say, it's a long time ago. I do have the episode on tape, but it's in a long-term storage warehouse back in the UK, and I don't live there anymore. An actor did play the role of Dirk from what I remember, and I think it may have been Richard Griffiths (I think that's the name), the rather large gentleman who played the leading role in the quaint UK chef/crimesolver/restaurateur series called "Pie In The Sky".

Of course like many people, he's probably too old for the part now as well...

Ste C.

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