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Subject: Re: starship titanic ( 4 of 11 )
Posted by Spartus

Regarding Ben Stiller: of all the amateur casting choices I've seen here (and on AFD-A), he's probably the best suggestion so far.
But still I can't get the mental picture of Simon Jones out of my head. Yes, yes, I know he's too old at this point, but he's the original.
I'm not going to suggest anything in regards to casting, because I'm not qualified, but I note with interest the replies. Personally, (not that my opinion matters a bit) I'd like to see a group of unknowns in the cast, with perhaps one already-established-type in there to lend credibility and get the masses in the door. People have suggested Sean Connery or Terry Jones for Slartibartfast--something like that could work. I don't want to see an all-star cast, because their roles would then be related to other roles they've been in, and the truth is, there really isn't anything like H2G2 (I'm not kissing butt--okay, maybe a little), so why should you have actors with previous experience relating it to something else?

Looking back, I just realised that for someone with allegedly no qualifications about casting, I seem to have quite an opinion. Oh well, do what you want with it.
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