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Subject: Re: Copyright theft? ( 4 of 6 )
Posted by Mike S.

From the original message:

>The whole book. So he could take it on holiday. When I asked him why he simply didn't take the book, he
>pointed out that it was a hardback, and he didn't want to be lugging a big heavy book on the plane.

And instead he intends to lug around a ream of photocopy paper, from a presumedly single-sided copy of the book? I have a feeling we're not hearing the entire story here... but then again, we probably don't need to. The very idea of photocopying an entire book is ludicrous. To say nothing of the fact that this usage of the school's photocopier would seem to me to be quite flagrant misuse of the school's resources for private use (but then rank hath its privileges, I suppose)

- Mike
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