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Subject: Arthur's Ghost? ( 1 of 3 )
Posted by Kilgore Dent

Last night I was talking to someone, a rare occurence for me, and we somehow came to realize that we were both Adams fans. We chatted about it a bit, and I was dropping several goodies like the upcoming movie, your new previous-character-free book, and the possible new Guide sequel based on Salmon of Doubt. This led to discussing how te characters would be brought back, in case that hasn't been talked about enough already, and she mentioned a short story called "Arthur's Ghost" that she insisted was written by you. She said it was about Arthur wondering if he was dead, and eventually his life looped back to the beginning of the first book, proving that life--or at least his life--was indeed rounded.

I've never heard of this in all my years, do you know anything about it?

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