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Subject: Re: dontlikemacs@all ( 8 of 9 )
Posted by Douglas Adams

I'd really like it if we didn't have to have an outbreak of 'Yah boo to Macs' versus 'Yah boo to PCs' on this forum. I prefer to use a Mac, others prefer to use PCs. It's just healthy diversity. The only extra issue that Mac users have in this 'debate', the reason we like to make our enthusiasm public, is that we don't want our platform of choice to die. We don't want the Wintel platform to become a monopoly which we are then forced to join. Wintel enthusiasts who understand the value of diversity and competition will also not want this to happen.
Luckily, it *seems* as if the danger has now passed, and Apple is beginning to do well again by the best possible method - innovation. It has a very long way to go, but I really wish it well, because everybody - including Microsoft - benefits from having aggressive innovation at work in the marketplace.
For that reason I also wish Be very well. If they represent a potential threat to anybody at present it's probably Apple, but Apple will benefit from having another vigorous innovator snapping at their heels, just as Microsoft (or at least Microsoft's customers!) will benefit from the renewed vigour with which Apple is competing.
A propensity to 'cringe' at other people's different views or ideas is something that leads to all sorts of trouble. We're becoming a global community now, not a tribal one. That means we have to embrace diversity, not cringe from it.
Please - no more.

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