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Subject: But Mr. Adams, what about the SEQUEL to Starship Titanic? ( 1 of 4 )
Posted by wilsonc

I know that you have consistently said that since this game took two years and other things are in the works, there would not be a sequel. When I first learned that, I was so disappointed, since we ended SST with the ship in our posession and primed for action.

Will you let your friends at TDV do a sequel without you scripting it? If they are too busy, will you let us - your fans and the fans of the game - do it? I think among us we could put together the talents to do it, but we would need you to OK it.

Love your books, love your games, love you. Will of course love the movie. btw, I think I have two things in common with you -- I was born March 9 1952, which I think is nearly the same or the same as your own birthday, and I have a son (my first and only child) born September 1994 -- I think you have a first child about the same age. As I mentioned in another post somewhere, I am eternally grateful to you for your writings, as quotes from your works have often been the right response to or summation of so much of the happenings in this zany life.


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