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Subject: Re: Your all INSANE ( 12 of 17 )
Posted by Kristina Marie

I'm not saying I'm not weird or mentally absent or whatever else you care to come up with but in my world all kinds of adults buy toys that reminds them of stuff they like. Well, perhaps not all kinds. Just silly people I suppose, the sorts of people who enjoy a good joke and aren't ashamed to go up to the register in a toy store with a little plastic doorbot but that does account for an awful lot of people and what, in all fairness, is wrong with that?

Incidentally I think we can count on Disney for some brilliantly absurd Guide merchandise. Disney can make brilliantly absurd merchandise out of any movie. Had they had a shot at Schindler's List, I'll bet there'd have been plush dolls and action figures. That's Disney.
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