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Subject: soundtrack for the film again.. ( 1 of 8 )
Posted by Eitan Shefer


I seem to remember a rumer that Mike Oldfield was asked to do the score for the TV series but he declined (is this true?).. I'm not sure he would make a good sound track for the film, but he has some interesting space-sci-fi in "the songs of distent earth" which was derived of the A C Clark novel of the same name. He also did some score work in the past for "The killing fields" which I didn't like much.

What would be a great posibilty for the sound track is Anne Dudley, who did a lot of score work (and even got the oscar for the work she did for "The full monty". Other then being a great score writer, she also was a founding member of the highly inovative Art of Noise back in the mid 80s , a group which is reforming as we speek.. the current reincarnation is being produced by Trevor Horn.


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