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Subject: Can't Believe It ( 1 of 1 )
Posted by Leonie Smith

The news is too shocking to be true.

I can honestly say that Douglas Adams was the very first influence on my writing. A man whose work immediately made me sit up and think "YES!!! YES!!! YES!!!" in a sort of Dean Moriarty late at night in a jazz joint, sweating and shouting agreement with every damn note that Old God Shearing has played. A man who Terry Pratchett and Robert Rankin surely take their shoes off to, the man who shattered the SF mould and mixed the pieces with comedy and brought it to the masses. Douglas Adams, people; his sad passing at the relatively youthful age of 49 leaves the literary world a sadder, duller place.

I hope you're up there enjoying a bevvy and a game of pool with H.G. Wells and Isaac Asimov, Douglas; because to me you rank with that pair.

Deepest respect.
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