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Subject: A Legacy remains.. ( 1 of 1 )
Posted by Jeremy Hood

Although I was introduced to Douglas Adams' writing at a young age, and consequently read the trilogy (in 5 parts) by the time I was 14, a number of images remain vivid in my mind. I can remember where I was when reading certain passages, and childhood memories are irrevocably connected to his work. I can remember trying to piece together the 4-part cover (designed on his Apple computer), but only having 3 of the books with me.
This is a tribute, of course, but I firmly believe that a tribute should not only be a mourning of loss, but a celebration of a life. In that, for those of you who havn't recently, re-read the trilogy. Find yourself lost again in the meaning of Liff (or the deeper one).
The best tribute would be to name a fjord after him. Or open Stavro Mueller's Beta somewhere. Some of this is beyond the simple Adams-loving man (or woman.) So watch the mini-series. So read the books. Erect a shrine! Do what you feel you can to further this great man's memory, and carry his legacy. But most of all, remember him and remember him fondly.

Thank you, Douglas.
Take care out there.
And don't panic.
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