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  • 12.May.2001 23:54:02 There's somthing about that book... - Karl Wassholm

    Subject: There's somthing about that book... ( 1 of 1 )
    Posted by Karl Wassholm

    A friend of mine borrowed one of my many copies of The Guide a few years back, to read it for the first time. That he did, but when he was done he never got around to return it to me, and over the years that passed he managed to misplace it. This must have been around 1995, I think.
    It's not that I grieved the loss, I have quite a few copies, but he felt bad for loosing the book, and he talk about getting me another copy. Still we were both surprised when he did:
    (It should be said that both me and my friend are from Sweden, and the book he borrowed was in Swedish.)
    During December of 1999 my friend was travelling alone through Israel. He was bored and homesick, to say the least. The bottom was reached when it started to snow, and so he found shelter in a café in Jerusalem. Much to his surprise he found a copy of The Guide in a bookshelf in the café, just like the one that he had borrowed from me. The owner of the café was happy to give it to him, as none of his customers could read it, as it was in Swedish(!).
    That’s how I got my Guide back, and if I didn’t know that it was a holy book before, I sure know it now. Since this incident I bring a towel wherever I go.

    Thanks for everything, Douglas. You will be remembered.

    /Karl Wassholm
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