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  • 13.May.2001 00:25:51 To the Author that opened my eyes - Andrew I.

    Subject: To the Author that opened my eyes ( 1 of 1 )
    Posted by Andrew I.

    I remember standing in my hometown public library with a copy of an anthology in my hands containing the first several books of the Hitchhiker series. I brought that home and read every last page quicker than any book I had read up to that point in my meager 12 years of age. 6th Grade.

    I remember sitting in an art class my senior year, 1993, where a friend of mine at the time lent me the last book in the series; I remember how amazed I was at the complete absolute abrupt ending of planet Earth.

    I remember sitting at my Commodore 64 for hours and hours playing the text adventure game. I remember how excited I was when I finally bought the Infocom hint book, and finally figured it out.

    I remember waiting for years for its sequel...

    Although I haven't read any of his other works - yet - Douglas Adams has always been the singlemost author I have ever felt such strong feelings for; his work has inspired my own humble writing hobby, and his style, tone, and amazingly crafted humor touched me in a way no other author has. His passing has closed the covers on a great book of Life, but his legacy will live on for years to come. I hope he has found what he was looking for, wherever he is now, and that it contains a huge, emblazoned "42".

    My deepest condolences to his wife and daughter.

    Here's to you, Mr. Adams.
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