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  • 13.May.2001 00:28:37 "Feck" the answer was 49! - maddog

    Subject: "Feck" the answer was 49! ( 1 of 1 )
    Posted by maddog

    I hope in far future people hear the radio shows, bother to view the books and 3d virtual holo dramas are made on the Doug's amazing work.

    Few people changed the way whole genre worked, H.P.Lovecraft was one, Fritz Lieber another. J R R Tolkien and Arthur C Clarke, in fact there is a list of 20 or 30 people who changed Fantasy and SF beyond measure. Who improved what had been before or literally invented something that changed the rule books and inspired a generation.

    DA did that (and is one of those names), I wish him all the best on his new exploits (what ever they may be to each his own) and all the very best for his family who have been robbed by fate of a father and partner.

    Fate is an arse and I hope DA gives fate a damn good kickin!

    You will be remebered DA for Eons.

    PS I hope when we finally meet Aliens in the future we call the ugly ones Vogons!


    PPS Should we argue that Doug invented the PDA? I think he did.

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