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Subject: I will never forget him ( 1 of 1 )
Posted by Eric Carlsson

I can not belive it have happened... I just found out and I started to cry... he have been the only auther that have influenced my life... I am the proud owner of H2G2 in three different ways, the book in two languages and the radioshow.... I will never forget him, and I know that if we do not forget him he will continue to live on within us.

I think that we all should do something to honor him in some way. A silent minute at 12:00 GMT and 12:00 PDT (pick the timezone closest to you) on every day his deathday were. And that we all light a candle in his honor at the same time.

He brought us all joy and he gave us all hope, I know this because he made me change my life by Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy and made me toughen up. As I read I changed from a fairly shy person to become more of mu rolemodell, even if he was fictionary I became Ford Prefect... I don't know how but I changed and all my friends say I remind them of him if my way of thinking and acting.

"You jus have to miss the ground to fly"... now Douglas missed the ground and he is now flying.

I will never forget him.

/Eric Carlsson
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