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Subject: Re: Last Chance to See... ( 3 of 16 )
Posted by Douglas Adams

There was a radio series, way back at the time that the book was published. It was a bit rough, I felt. We were given minimal time for editing and production and the thing was rushed out without a lot of promo. I felt a little aggrieved by the whole thing, to be honest. I had made a big thing of taking it to radio instead of TV, which is what everybody was urging me to do. I felt that I had a good history and relationship with radio, and felt it was in all sorts of ways a better medium than TV, which tends to change what it looks at.

However, the response from radio was very lukewarm. They agreed to do it, but only paid Mark and me presenter's fees. Nothing for travel or expenses - we had to pay all of that. We even had to pay the expenses of the producer and the sound recordists. So the radio series left us tens of thousands of pounds out of pocket and without a good program to show for it. I was less than happy.
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