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Subject: Re: Last Chance To See ( 10 of 10 )
Posted by Laurence Ghafur

This is a great book.
It is sad in a way that intellectually stimulating content does not guarantee commercial success.
Perversely the reverse seems to be true.
It seems very unfair to DNA and Mark C that their considerable efforts were not greater rewarded.

Anyway I left the UK in 1994 to go travelling and have not been back since, I've been lucky enough to travel to a few of the places mentioned in the book and several that aren't.
Evolution is a fascinating subject and the environmental impact of industrialisation or simply human population is often a depressing thing to witness.
I currently live in Hong Kong where hygene standards and pollution are appalling - we have some Pink dolphins which live in the mouth of the Pearl River (exactly where the New airport has been completed), they are destined to disappear very soon.

Perhaps I'm just cynical but the conclusion I draw from the book is its title. This really is the last chance to see not just these creatures but countless more around the world so if you don't make the effort it will be too late.
The very fact that the book is not a major commercial success underlines peoples apathy and lack of interest in environmental matters.


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