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Subject: Re: Jehovah's Witnesses Mr. Adams? ( 30 of 31 )
Posted by Nimuë La Mer

Talk about a culture clash...

My beau and I are Wiccan, and one lovely Summer Solstice morning we were about to celebrate the Sabbat
(we had all our ritual things out on the altar in the center of the living room, candles ablaze and incense
wafting but we had not yet cast the Circle) when an insistent knock on the door interrupted.

He (my beau), in a lovely leather loincloth, smeared with ritual oils and wearing his antlered crown,
dashed under the staircase as I put on a robe, my triple moon circlet on my forehead, and I opened the door
to see a pair of brightly smiling, fresh scrubbed faces and a copy of Watchtower and Awake clutched in the hands
of one of the young men...

I called out to my sweetie who was peeking out from under the staircase,
"Look honey, the sacrifices have arrived!"

We haven't been called upon since.

Two misunderstood faiths come face to face.
I almost peed myself, I was laughing so hard.

What do you get when you cross a Jehovah's Witness with an atheist?

Someone who knocks on your door for no reason.
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