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Subject: Re: there is a connection between the miniseries and the coming movie ( 3 of 9 )
Posted by Douglas Adams

Let me just say it again.

Roger Birnbaum had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the TV series which the BBC made in England nearly twenty years ago. No, no, no, no. How hard a concept is this?

There is no connection whatsover between the two productions except for me.

If you've read anything to the contrary (like in the IMDB) then it's just because they are also confused. There is nothing to be confused about. There is no connection in anyway and at any level. It's that easy.

At this point no casting has been done, but there is only one piece of casting I can think of which might remain constant between the two of them (and I'm not saying which), but at the moment there is no common factor even in the casting because it hasn't been cast.
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