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Subject: Re: Urgent! Where was the pub/house in the TV series located? ( 6 of 6 )
Posted by Scott Rutherford

Thanks for the correction. I actually did know that-- my travel plans were to head south from London and then west toward Cornwall. I was a bit rushed as of my last posting! Just for general information, for the curious, I did make my way to East Grinstead, but was unable to locate the pub. The people in the town offices were as helpful as I could imagine, even phoning up the town historian at the library to try to locate some mention of the show in a book of filming locations in the area. One of the women at the office also was telling me at some length about how much she enjoyed Marvin. But alas, no pub sighting to report! If there is anyone who might have any insight into the TV series filming locations, however, perhaps we could assemble them and add them to the FAQ? Thanks for the help.

Scott Rutherford
Boston, Massachusetts, US
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