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Subject: Re: Happy Birthday DNA ( 16 of 19 )
Posted by Noel Wade

Just wanted to add my best wishes to the stack that's piling up here! And I don't know if it's been said already today; but in your own words, remember that "time is an illusion" (and all of us KNOW how it is with lunch-time)!!

Take care...


P.S. Totally unrelated, but it still baffles me that people could "get" the satire and comedy in the entire HHGTTG series; and yet not "get" the whole 42 thing being a nonsensical joke... I run an only slightly-well-attended website, and the volumes of email I've gotten from using the word "abut" once (here in America; where no one knows the language properly *sigh*) has made me realize just how frightful it must be in your position; my sympathies go out to you!
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