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Subject: Re: Happy Birthday DNA ( 9 of 19 )
Posted by lordbeetle

Your horoscopes
Washington Post:
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20): You will be
described as "quixotic." Focus on
restlessness, desire to travel, to love
and be loved. Individual close to you
declares, "I never realized how
passionate you can be."

If mixing with a group today, be careful not to get lost in the crowd. Wear a protective layer of clothing -- just in case. You should be careful in other ways, too. Try to speak kindly to those around you, others may be sensitive just now and in need of some pampering. That's your specialty, Pisces, go for it! Let your kind loving nature emerge and help someone through a time which may seem rough and lonely. This person will deeply appreciate your concern and kindness, and you'll feel justified and necessary. Nurturing others can occur in many ways; why not try a way which you've never before looked at?

Hope it works out.

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