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Subject: Re: the un-washed public ( 7 of 11 )
Posted by Bruce

By the by, Bruce - is that an assumption that we are, in fact, cleaner and more hygenic than we were in the 70's? In many cases, I'm afraid, you might be sorely dissapointed.

Ah, a cultural artefact translation error 'the greater unwashed' is a reference to those that follow the dicates of the trend mongers of the world.
It was a reference to a movie, whose title remains forgettable (& forgotten), that featured a couple making love & keeping time to Ravel's Bolero. This lead to the glossy magazine (a la Cleo) urban myth that sex was only amazingly amazing if you could do it whilst keeping time for the entire piece of music. I was merely wondering whether 'Tunnel of Love' might assume the same legendary sex machine status amongst DNA fandom.

Disappointing really.
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