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Subject: the un-washed public and iambic pentameter ( 9 of 11 )
Posted by Amanda

Er, yes, I know this. But the point may still be relevant. Maybe.

"'the greater unwashed' is a reference to those that follow the dicates of the trend mongers of the world."

The 70's are, in fact, very trendy now, eh? Just an observation to point out the irony. When I think "70's", I think of patchouli, used by grungy people to cover their un-washed state. And perhaps I brought up the whole 70's angle because of this:

"It was a reference to a movie...that featured a couple making love & keeping time to Ravel's Bolero."

I want to say 'Last Tango In Paris', but I could be wrong. But if I'm right, it ties in the whole 70's angle that I keep insisting upon. Which was my point, kind of. I think I had a point somewhere.

I'm going to go take a nap now...

In rhythm to the music, huh? ...Intriguing.

Amanda ;P

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