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Subject: I'm not panicking!!! ( 33 of 51 )
Posted by Gargamel

For Ford, I quite liked the look of the guy in the illustrated book - he matched my brain's version.

I personally didn't see anything wrong with Brendan Fraser as Zaphod - but that's a whole other heated discussion.

And although this is going to get the zarking fardwarks beaten out of me - I kinda like the idea of Neve Campbell as Trillian *cowers*.

Someone said they don't want a hollywood trendy playing one of the main five - but why not? As long as Brad Pitt isn't Arthur, it should be fine! And now that Ms Neve has left the tragedy of Party of Five behind her - and we know she can be funny -ish (Trillian isn't exactly a laughaminute role) she could pull it off with some panache...

I have some other casting ideas floating around me today - but after the Neve Campbell bombshell I think I might lay low for a day or two - :-)

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