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Subject: Re: Trillian ( 36 of 51 )
Posted by Cagliostro

Does nobody read my posts all the way through before objecting to them? Or maybe I didn't make it clear enough. What I would prefer is all unknowns who are as good as the majority of the cast for television version. I also have always thought Sandra Dickinson was wrong, but I've grown used to it. But as these things go, studios prefer to put big names in big movies, and I think this is going to be a big movie. So, that is why, if there has to be a big hollywood name (or "trendy"), then I think Cameron Diaz would be good, judging from in particular "Being John Malkovich". She's somewhat pretty and more importantly she's got the glimmer of intelligence in her eyes that I think was missing from Sandra Dickinson. Oh, and there is such thing as hair dye so that Trillian doesn't have to be a blonde.
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