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Subject: Re: Errors in the "More than Complete..." Ed. of HHGG ( 11 of 12 )
Posted by Jon Nelson

To the person that found the error in the statement about Deep Thought being built to find the "question" and not the "answer" ... have you looked at the spine of the book?

I bought a copy of the leahter-bound edition of the "More than Complete..." right after it came out (sometime in the early 1990's I believe). The edition includes the first four books and the short story "Young Zaphod ...". The interesting thing is that on the spine of the book, it erroneously lists the titles of the books as "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Universe" and "The Restaurant at the End of the Galaxy." These errors I know were corrected for later editions, and a long time ago on a.f.d-a I found out that a few others have this edition. I'm not sure, but perhaps this particular volume had more than a couple errors in it. :^( I'll check to see if mine has the "question" and "answer" part swapped as someone recently found.

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