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Subject: Re: proactive hitchhikers... ( 14 of 32 )
Posted by Kate Schechter

Actually, I do know Garrison. He goes to the same college as I do. It's my job around campus to tell him to shut up. I wanted to put this in my 'shut up' post, but he claimed it would be funnier if I didn't. Shows you how much he knows.

And as he watches me type this, he's making other comments, and I'm having to tell him to shut up again. ^.~ So, technically, you guys have me to blame for Garrison and his ... interesting observations. I'm not really that mean. Much. ^.~ (And he does appreciate it that some people understood that he was making a joke, but he does not promise never to do that again.)

Best fishes,
(not as mean as her literary counterpart)
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