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Subject: Re: Thank you! Drive through! ( 12 of 16 )
Posted by Rooster

I, too, read the initial posts, and intended to leave it alone. I like DNA's work, I'm not afraid to criticise it (see threads in Info and Communitiy forums) or even to try to bring some humour (see Half-Witted Crap threads). I do not "idolise" DNA, nor hang on every word (although I am pleased with how much of the series I can still quote). As a rational person (and graduate) I can spot blatant plugging and avoid it if I want to. I assume, Bill, that you would immediately storm into a conversation at a bar where the conversants wer appreciating a TV programme/film/book? Kindly grow up.

Stuart RT Gray
Appreciative of DNA's work, not idolising, just appreciating
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