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Subject: Thank you! Drive through! ( 7 of 16 )
Posted by Ann

Don't you think that it takes a good bit of humbleness to sit and take the time to read our letters and posts? Most writers wouldn't take the time to wade through all this frivolous mail--especially crap like the first letter in this thread. I'm amazed that Mr. Adams cares about us enough to present us with this board. I'm amazed that he is interested in our feedback. But what I'm really amazed at is how three of you here can sit back and confuse this with an ego trip. It's laughable. DNA is rather too busy to play at being a pompous celebrity. I suspect he'd rather sit and play on his computer.

Perhaps there are Hitchhiker zealots that are a little dazed by DNA. But then there's the rest of us who just appreciate a good mind and talent, and really appreciate the chance to interact with him and with others that have these interests. I suspect you know little of DNA's actual contributions--which go far beyond books.

Grad Student
Instructional Technology
The University of GA

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