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Subject: Re: The far distant future of IT entertainment ( 5 of 6 )
Posted by abde

I for one do like a plot running through my enetertainment experiences.. there has to be some sort of balance between a rigid linear experience and a true free-for-all. I don't think we need a whole new artificial universe in our offices just yet, either.. virtual reality might now be virtual enough.

If we are discussing games in particular, I found Riven to be the absolute best I have ever played, in terms of immersive non-linear play.

Action games, like flight sims (Xwing or Tie Fighter being my personal favorites) or 1st person shoot-em-ups (Quake, UnReal, etc, but my favorite is still the Mac version of Spectre) start out with a limited premise to begin with and therefore they can afford to lavish *all* their computing resources on the environment.

it's really a matter of personal taste...
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