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Subject: Re: Message from Beetle ( 8 of 11 )
Posted by Jo Garner

My sincerest condolences. I don't know what it must be like either, but I'd imagine devastating in the extreme.

Since I can't access the original question (and I'm not sure if I should be able to), I'd like to respond to what has been said in the last few messages.

I agree that any sensations or experiences are incredibly personal. They are unique to the individual. No-one can explain these experiences to another person. I know this because I've had some pretty weird experiences which are not able to be satisfactorily explained.

If this helps, I'll relate a little of the story. I was 14 and at school. I felt as though I was going to faint and put my head down. the sounds of the classroom faded away and I openned my eyes. I was now sitting on a cliff with waves breaking below me. I looked around and saw an oak tree (How did I know it was oak? I live in Australia and have never seen one.) Anyway, eventually I heard a voice ordering me back. It said "you must go back". I argued a little and then the classroom noises faded back in.

I thought I had just fainted. I have since asked everyone I know who has ever fainted and it has not happenend to any of them. What happened? I really don't know.

So if I sound a bit whacky, it can't be helped. I just know that experiences happen to people which can't be explained by anyone except by what you feel in your heart.

Hope this story helps,

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