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Subject: Re: Those darn movie charicters ( 2 of 17 )
Posted by K Marie

"I was just wondering if you really have any influence as to who the studio shall cast...Or do you just have a passing interest as to whom we think should get what role? "

Perhaps neither, but I think the reason we're bothering to go on about it anyway is that we are the, er, the demographic, if you will, at which the film will be aimed. That is, we belong to it, at any rate. So it certainly can't hurt to voice our opinions about what we'd like (and hate) to see, because although he did explain why he doesn't have Control over the project, Mr. Adams will most likely have the opportunity to say, "You can cast Harry Anderson as Trillian if you really want to, but from what I've heard, the fans aren't going to be very pleased."

Couldn't that have some influence?
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