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Subject: Re: young, male, and nerdy?? ( 12 of 17 )
Posted by Steve Panozzo

Well, Meep

I've never considered "stream-of-consciousness" writing representative of sentence structure... so, sorry. It ain't a sentence. Sentences usually demand punctuation, too.

Who am I to worry about sentence structure? I'm a cartoonist. Funny, huh? I'm no nerd, but someone who appreciates word-skill and dexterity of concept. Douglas Adams has that in abundance.

Which brings me to another point I'd like to raise... a colleague (I can't remember who) recently alleged to me that Douglas Adams did NOT write the books that bear his name. Having had the privilege to have met DNA a couple of times and listen to him speak, I can assure you that this dexterity of concept and language is surely within him and I cannot believe for a second that he is not responsible for the Guide and the Dirk Gently books.

Is this something others have heard? Is it a popular myth?

Further, as a long-time Doctor Who fan, will there ever be novelisations of The Pirate Planet, The City of Death and Shada? Concepts from these stories were re-presented in Dirk Gently, but the holes in my Who collection beg me to ask the question.

Good luck with the site - it's brilliant.

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