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Subject: Re: Journey of the Sorcerer maintained? ( 2 of 6 )
Posted by Douglas Adams

I very much hope we will keep it.
Here's a curious little story.
A little while ago we went up to San Luis Obispo to see Emmylou Harris and Linda Ronstadt perform, because a great old friend of mine was playing keyboards in the band. (His name is Wix and he did the music for Starship Titanic.)
One of the guitar players in the band was a guy called Bernie Leadon. He was a founder member of the Eagles, but he left the band just before they did Hotel California. Anyway, it was he who wrote Journey of the Sorcerer, so it was really quite an extraordinary moment for me actually to meet him. He'd read my books, but had not ever heard the radio series, so he'd not actually heard his music in situ. I'm getting him copies of the CDs
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