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Subject: Re: Journey of the Sorcerer maintained? ( 5 of 6 )
Posted by Douglas Adams

He knew of it, and was pleased and intrigued. That was what had prompted him to read the books. He's just never managed to find copies of the radio series.

Radio, TV and other media all have different copyright regulations.
On radio you can use any musical performance that has been released on payment of a standard fee.
On TV (and on record) you can use any published music on payment - again - of a standard fee, but you have to get permission from the artist to use a particular recording. After repeated efforts we never managed to get any response at all from the Eagles' management which is why we re-recorded the music. Although the session musicians (headed by the great musician and composer Tim Souster) did a fine job covering the track, it just wasn't quite the same because these things never are.

The question of theme music for the movie is, at the moment, not top of anybody's priority list. But I would be delighted if we were able to use Journey of the Sorcerer, and I would hope that we would this time be able to secure the rights to the original recording. Bernie Leadon certainly indicated that he would not be averse to this.

There may, of course, be another issue. Is a recording made over twenty years ago going to be technically good enough for a big theme over a huge cinema sound system? I've no idea of the answer to this. So it may be that it needs to be re-recorded again. But this time we would know how to find Bernie Leadon.
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