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Subject: Re: Here's a thought... ( 4 of 27 )
Posted by orcrist

I am inclined, here, to agree with DNA on the topic of an afterlife. I don't wish to offend anyone who holds dear the idea of a god, God, gods, higher power, greater entity or their associated afterlives, but personally I can't place any belief in something for which I have seen no evidence. I can't follow something because billions of others believe in it. My personal belief is that we are simply crude conglomerations of flesh and bone, and are here because of a highly improbable (and therefore very likely) accident that occured X billions of years ago with a quark and a nucleus. Anyone hoping to prolong their existence through an afterlife is more than welcome to, after all that is the nature of humanity, however I am more interested in making a difference with the time I've got. But that's just my opinion...
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