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Subject: leFrog, etc. ( 7 of 27 )
Posted by TPG

A friend of mine once said: 'people just take god way too seriously'. Suddenly it dawned on me that that attitude was applicable to a broad array of things in life -- LeBigO'Mix, I like to call it...
We can't prove anything about god or the afterlife, and indeed those things are interesting to ponder, but it's a horrible insoluable enigma.

Thinking about things like physics, writing, painting, etc., is a great deal more rewarding since the subject/conclusion of any of the aforementioned can always be "The frog will ultimately implode".

If you tell a zealot that your best current guess is "the frog will ultimately implode", he will likely want to do very nasty things to you. A physicist, writer, or painter will either think you are wierd and go away or laugh his/her ass off and make friends with you.

If you really *do* believe that the frog will ultimately implode, you probably need some help.
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