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Subject: Re: The Movie ( 5 of 59 )
Posted by On the subject of "inside info and rumors"

As Mr Adams has already said (well, sort of said), "Don't believe rumors." I remember some time ago hearing that Jim Carry was going to be in the H2G2 movie playing the part of Zaphod. Now, even if this isn't true, and JC isn't in the movie at all, him playing Zaphod just never seemed to sit well with me.

Personally, I see the cast more like this...

Arthur Dent : Matthew Broderick
He just seems, to me, to be the best person for this roal. I don't know why, but he seems like the perfect choice. Plus I can picture him walking around in a robe all the time and saying "Why do I have this fish in my ear."

Ford Prefect : Jim Carry
Well, Matthew would be the perfect choice, only if Carry played the part of Ford. Carry is weird, Ford is weird. Granted, that isn't the best way to match the two up, but Matt and Jim work well together (remember Cable Guy).

Zaphod : Brendan Fraser
I don't know why I picked him, maybe it is because of his talent, or the way he looks (just think of him with 2 heads and 3 arms now). I don't know how well he would work with Carry, but I would like to see how well he says, "Hey yeah..."

Trillian : No clue
I don't really like many of the current crop of female actresses, so I cannot help with the part. I would rather have a person that looks and acts intelligent rather than a woman that is more jiggly and giggly than brainy.

Marvin : Comedian John Mendoza -or- the origional voice actor if he is still around (forgot his name)
If anyone has ever heard John Mendoza, his voice and speech, in my opinion, is great for Marvin. Just for fun, I will tell you one of my favorite jokes of his... "A friend of mine saw a woman and said to me, "Look at that girl, she's a dog." I said back to him, "Well so are you. Go over and say hello."

To Mr Adams, thank you for the Hitchhikers series, the radio show, and the soon to come movie.
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