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Subject: Re: Further thoughts and responses ( 36 of 52 )
Posted by Si

Si, when I compare love to God, I'm not talking about the physiological effects of love, I'm talking
about the sure knowledge, in your heart, that it exists - the unquestionable conviction. That which
is not subject to proof or evidence or any of those subordinating criteria.

That's exactly what I said! This "sure knowledge, in your heart" is surely just another name for the idea of love. Although, since "sure knowledge" populates the head, not the heart, it is a matter of neural biochemistry and complexity.

The problem is, you start off by saying that we can't prove that love exists but then go on to describe only the wishy washy metaphorical expressions of love (a fairly modern invention) in support.

Love is an emergent property of a suitably complex, sexual, child-rearing dynamical system - like a human.
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