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Subject: Re: Religious Hypocracy? ( 10 of 52 )
Posted by Not that J.S. - the other J.S.

There's a bibical phrase coming to my mind here. The verse where Paul speaks of "the foolishness of Christianity". I think what Paul means is that while Christianity may seem foolish to the world, to the Christian, it is the power of God unto salvation. It is the fact that it seems extremely foolish that hides the gospel from the wise or those who merely think they are wise. Another verse says "where is the wise. Where is the scribe...";etc. Maybe someone can help me out here on the quotes. Basic idea, though, is that if you choose not to have faith in the scriptures than, very well, they shall be hidden from you. Doesn't have much to do with intellect. Has more to do with the choices you make about God. Whether to ignore him or to try to find out about who he is and what he expects from you. OK, I've banged on a bit and I didn't mean to but just wanted to share some thoughts that cropped up in my mind.
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