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Subject: Re: Further thoughts and responses ( 38 of 52 )
Posted by arbiter

Si, I agree with everything you've just said, but it's not what I'm talking about. I think all those things myself - I know an emergent property when I see one, but it's a trivial point: everything we percieve or think is an emergent property of our complex dynamical nature, so you can't use that to distinguish between any two 'feelings', and it can safely be excluded from our discussion.

'Love' is, I agree, a 'wishy washy metaphorical' thing, just recently invented, but you seem to think I am talking about attraction, enfatuation, crush, lust and sexual desire - partner-type love, which I am not. I am talking about love for a parent or sibling or child. That's a different thing altogether, I hope you'll agree. That's the kind of love that survives in the same unassailable way that faith does - without proof or evidence. Just by conviction.
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