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Subject: Re: Not a fundamentalist ( 4 of 63 )
Posted by AGRAJAG

I'm a bit confused (what a suprize)

what's the difference between an agnostic and an athiest?
all I know is that I don't belive in any "higher being" or anything like that.
my entire theory about the universe and time is that everything goes in one giant loop; first, there is a Big Bang, then time goes on for a while, and when all of the stars burn out, or explode or whatever it is that they do, planets and other matter have to start orbiting each other, then they eventually collide, and after a while, everything is all one giant blob of mass, therfore causing another Big Bang, and restarting the cycle.

though before taking this too seriously, I would like to point out that I am a 14 year old boy from oregon, with a very small understanding of the universe and all that good stuff.
any comments?

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