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Subject: Parties Schmarties! ( 52 of 98 )
Posted by Kingweasel

Thomas Jefferson said he preferred Hell to a political party.
The electoral college system guarantees that you're vote for president DOES NOT MATTER!!!
Electoral reps are not bound by ANYthing to vote they way the people they represent indicate.
It has happened before in our country's history, and it is shameful that NOBODY seem to realize it is a problem to tackled.
We have the technology to count votes via email, telephone, or even old fashioned mail. One voice, one vote. But Noooooo.. can't do that! Can't let the people actually decide, can they?

This year, I carefully printed on the write in portion of the ballot (I vote by absentee ballot) "Your Mom".
No one gets my vote. It is as DNA said: Anyone who wants the jobs clearly shouldn't have it.

By the way, I'm registered republikkkan too. That way I can help split the vote during the primary.
Don't revolt--Subvert!
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